School Of Liberal Arts Conducted A Teacher Training Program For Teachers From INSEE Arsa Border Patrol Police Education Center (Huai Pum Village)
โดย : / 12 ธ.ค. 2023 / อ่าน 200
On June 18, 2023, the School of Liberal Arts, led by Dr. Chanapa Duangfai, Vice Dean for Special Affairs, Assistant Professor Dr. Phitsinee Sathientharadol, Assistant Dean, and the project manager, along with Mr. Albert Lisec and their team, conducted a teacher training program which provides the teachers from INSEE Arsa Border Patrol Police Education Center (Huai Pum Village), led by Pol.Sen.Sgt.Maj. Amnart Srisombat, the Principal of the center, core phonics knowledge and approach to teach their primary school students in Romyen, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province. The training took place at the conference room of Malangpor Hall & Garden, Chiang Kham District, Phayao Province. The purpose of this academic service project is to enhance the students’ English language pronunciation skills through phonics teaching model and improve their English vocabulary through specially designed lessons.
Photo: Ms. Chiraphon Klinrong
Information/News: Mr. Jaroon Chaibao (Policy and Plan Analyst)
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